Roy To Serve

Friday, June 29, 2007

Google On The GO

What is Google SMS? I'm glad you asked. Google SMS, or Short Message Service, enables anyone with a cell phone or mobile device to get answers to specialized queries like residential and business listings, dictionary definitions, product pricing and more. The best part is you don't need one of those swanky new phones with web access. All you need is a cell phone or mobile device with text messaging or SMS capabilities.
How It Works
Enter your query as a text message. Click here for sample queries.
Send your message to the US shortcode 46645 or GOOGL on most phones.
You'll then receive a text message (or messages) with your results.
You can query for phone book listings, the definitions of words, or get answers for mathematical equations. Google determines what information you are looking for based on your query, then sends you the top results. Now the difference with using Google SMS versus is when you search on your results generally include links to various websites. With Google SMS the results are text-only.
Putting It To Use
Looking for a place to eat while on the road?
Get business listings:
Just type in what you are looking for. You can search for either a specific business like Pizza Hut or for a general service like pizza.
Make sure to include both a city and state, or a zip code with your search terms.
To get local results, put a period between the business name and the location.
pizza 91205 or pizza.91205 to ensure local results
pizza hut.glendale ca
Want to compare prices on that new laptop you're looking at while shopping at your local computer store?
Get prices:
Enter a product name. You can search for either a specific product like sony vaio notebook or a general topic like laptop computer. You can specify that you only want prices by including the word price or prices at the beginning or end of your query. Or, use the shortcut 'F' before the search terms. Google SMS is not case sensitive so 'F' and 'f' are the same.
You can also search for a specific book by entering its ISBN (the 10 digit code found on the back of its cover), or a specific product by entering its UPC code (the 12 digit code below the bar code).
Price ipod 20gb
ipod 20gb prices
F ipod 20gb
price dvd player
dvd player prices
F dvd player
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' ISBN:'
price 043935806X
0 439 35806 X
Nikon D70 camera UPC:
price 018208252145
0 18208 25214 5
Need the answer to a math problem?
Enter the calculation you'd like done as a query. The calculator can solve math problems involving basic arithmetic, more complicated math, and units of measure and conversions, as well as physical constants
half a cup in teaspoons
160 pounds * 4000 feet in Calories
Get Help
Use your phone to get Google SMS help. Just send the word help as a text message to 46645 and you'll get instructions and tips for using the service. Get general help information or help with a specific feature by entering which feature in your text message.
froogle help
You can also send the word tips or shortcuts to 46645 to receive the following summary of keyboard shortcuts, which you can then save and use as a quick reference:
Name Location / Name.Location / (F)roogle / (G)oogle / (D)efine / Calculator / Area code / Zip code.
Other Useful Information
Google SMS is still in Beta. That means it's a pilot program still in the testing phase. Over time, the features will evolve and improve. If you'd like to be a part of the process, you can send an email to with your suggestions and feedback.
Check out how to use Google SMS to get sample queries and the type of results you might get.
Find out which wireless providers support this service by going to major wireless providers.
Get a wallet size tip sheet here.
If you're a merchant and would like to have your products included, visit Information for Merchants.
To have your residential or business phone and address removed from the Google PhoneBook, click here.
Sign up with Google SMS and be the first to find out about new feature releases. Click here to get on their mailing list.
For more details, check out How To Use Google SMS.
Google SMS is a free service, however, you need to know that the standard text messaging charges from your wireless provider do apply. Oh, and, the merchant listings are also free as Google does not accept payment for your product listing request.
Google On!

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